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Plus500US Futures Technologies

Creating an IndicatorSeries

The new chart data API supports creating indicator data. Currently, only moving averages of the bar data, RSI, and ATR are supported. However this list is expected to expand.

As with ChartDataSeries, you should keep references to instances of IndicatorSeries and dispose of them when finished.

Private moMov As MovingAverageIndicatorSeries
Private moRSI As RSIIndicatorSeries
Private moATR As AverageTrueRangeIndicatorSeries

Private Sub CreateIndicators ()

moMov = New MovingAverageIndicatorSeries(moBarData, MovingAverageType.SMA, MovingAveragePriceType.Typical, 14)

moRSI = New RSIIndicatorSeries(moBarData, 14)

moATR = New AverageTrueRangeIndicatorSeries(moBarData, 14)

End Sub

If there is a specific indicator you would like to see added that is not included above please send an email to support.

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